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Monday, 22 August 2011

Chef Required, Vegan / Vegetarian / Raw Foods (River Valley, CT)


August 19, 2011
In the CT River Valley, CT
A new restaurant currently under development is looking for a chef experienced and/or ready to assume responsibility for the development and preparation of highly creative and exceptionally superior vegan, vegetarian and raw foods. This upscale 30/40 seat restaurant and bar is in a prime Connecticut River Valley location 2 hours from NYC. For an ambitious and dedicated person this is a ground floor opportunity to participate in the restaurants creation, to help build a successful business, and to influence the use of the owners farm for growing much of the restaurants produce. Potential exists for eventual partnership and/or ownership. To apply please submit a resume and thoughtful letter explaining your interest and qualifications. All applicants meeting this requirement will receive a response. 
Please click here to sign in and view application details.
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