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Thursday, 5 May 2011

Writer/Researcher Required (New York, NY)

Job Description
We are making a health and nutrition website and want to rank all foods from 1-25. We would make a list of all food categories such as whole grains, beans, fruits , vegetables, seeds, nuts, milk etc and then list all the varieties under each of these topics and then rate them and describe their pros and cons. I have a chapter in a book and several 10 page interviews that I would give you to read that would explain how to rate each type of food plus we would give you feedback to explain this in more detail. You must have perfect english grammar skills and be able to write with the same English grammar as a magazine writer. This is really a project for someone who is already familiar with eating a raw vegan diet and understands the benefits of eating sprouts, green juices, wheatgrass juice etc. This will take a lot of time to research and there is a lot of reading. You really must have a background in this area or be very motivated to learn about it.

Skills Required:

Writing , Research, nutrition background