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Friday, 20 May 2011

Leafy Greens New Vegan Cafe in Muldersdrift, South Africa

CLICK ON SOURCE FOR DETAILS: marieclairvoyant.com

Leafy greens – the new raw and vegan café, in Muldersdrift boasts a menu that is 80% raw and 20% cooked food, no dishes are derived from animals and it’s constantly changing according to what’s in season. This café has an interesting approach to they way in which they run their business – they produce compost from their own leftovers, use a wood-fired oven and they even grow their own fresh produce which they serve in the café. Not only are they environmentally friendly they also give back to the community. For every meal they sell they donate R1 to JAM movement who feed over 500 000 children in Africa every year.  Leafy greens also have raw workshops, a natural and organic shop as well as offering vegan catering. Visit their site at www.lgcafe.org.