Tonic Magazine Presents ...
Date: June 11, 2011
Time: 10:00 AM to 08:00 PM
Price range: Free This is a FREE festival open to the public with 60 - 80 vendors and a full schedule of popular local speakers and food demo’s throughout the day. The theme is the raw/vegan lifestyle, which includes food (raw/vegan foods, superfoods, take-out and packaged foods), clothing (organic, hemp, non-leather items), and health providers (chiropractors, yoga instructors, holistic health care providers, etc.) Our festival will be an education in health and wellness. The festival will feature food demonstrations by local raw/vegan chefs and a variety of educational speakers.
For more information contact:
Phone: 905-476-0059
918 Bathurst Street
Bloor and Bathurst
Map to this event
Public transit directions:
Bathurst Subway Station
TTC Trip Planner